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    Welcome To
    Balaji Micro Services Foundation
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    Women Empowerment
    Balaji Micro Services Foundation works through women's groups
    because womentend to use more resources.
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    Financial Help
    Provide both financial and non-financial products to
    the economically poor to improve their standard of living.
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    Business Start-up Loan
    When your business is starting out, you often need capital
    upfront to buy profit-making assets. That’s where we come in.


The objective of the society is to make available finance at reasonable cost and in a transparent manner to such customers.



Under JLG model with suitable adaptations. The customers would be formed into groups consisting of 5 women.


Market Analysis

Most poor people manage to mobilize resources to develop their enterprises and their dwellings slowly over time.


Welcome to Balaji Micro Services Foundation

Balaji Micro Services Foundation offers loans for income-generating activities such as livestock, agriculture, trading and production businesses. These loans support clients financial leverage, household and business economy development. Beyond traditional lending, the company offers loans for women entrepreneurs and special energy and resource efficiency loans for business improvement.

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